Blessings Restored Revive the Spirit
The pain of losing something or someone so precious and promising is very debilitating to ones heart. When you had hoped that a gift or blessing you received would change your life forever, and you…
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Covenant Kept is Covenant Affirmed
Covenant, by law, is a written agreement, contract or promise between two parties. Biblically speaking, it is an agreement or promise between GOD and His people which establishes a relationship. The…
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Pride of the Nations
Royalty, especially from Africa where I am from, is set apart from all others. You only have to look at them to know that there’s something about them that isn’t common. Their manner of dressing…
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Plan For the Day of Trouble
Every well established corporate business has a business continuity plan. They want to ensure that they are still able to continue to provide their services if things go wrong or not according to…
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Practise It, Perfect It
When you study in the university to become a professional in a particular area, you don’t automatically become the best in that field in practice as soon as you graduate. Not even if you graduate…
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Fatherly Kindness
*Fatherly Kindness* A father is to be honoured. When you give due honour to your father, he will in turn give you what is due to you from him. Most fathers will show kindness and favour to any child…
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Good, Righteous and Perfect
*Good, Righteous and Perfect* Every nation on earth has their own judicial system which ensures that every other system acts in accordance to the laws of the land. They administer Justice according…
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Create Your World By Your Decrees
*Create Your World By Your Decrees* Words as we know, are very powerful. By His words, Yahweh created the heavens and the earth including most things in them. By our words, we can create atmospheres…
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Not Bigger Than GOD
Certain situations and life circumstances are capable of overwhelming us just by their sheer magnitude. We may feel like even God has forsaken us for them to have been able to affect us at that…
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Mercy For the Merciful
*Mercy For the Merciful* To show mercy is to show compassion or forgiveness towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. And this is what all of humanity received from Yahweh…
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