Trust God and Let Go
Trust means a firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of something or someone. There is an innate trust in babies that their needs will be met. They don’t know how, when, what or where,…
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Perfect Love Trumps Perfect Hatred
When you say something is perfect, it means that it is as good as it possibly can be. Nothing can be done to improve it. Its purpose is being fully realised and is free from any faults or defect.…
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Maturity, Not Age
I have heard of and spoken with many young converts who turned away from church and went back to their old ways due to the how badly they were treated and tolerated by older and supposedly more…
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Repent and Utter Worthy Words
Diamonds in the rough, while they have great potentials, will remain unused for their full purpose until they have been refined and polished. Every single human on earth is a diamond in the rough as…
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Righteousness, Not Service
Abraham is our father of faith. Why? Because Yahweh chose him. Why did Yahweh choose him? Because He knew the heart of Abraham, that righteousness dwelt in him and he would teach his children to…
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Do It Right With God and Man
The cross has been likened to how we should relate. One of its many symbolisms is that the death of Jesus was to restore all relationships between man and God, and man with one another. The vertical…
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Reach Out and Find Him
There is only one person who is Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (present everywhere at all times) and Omniscient (all knowing). That is Yahweh, the creator and author of all things. There is…
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What Dwells Between Your Shoulders
The heart and the lungs are very vital organs to human life both physically and spiritually speaking. They help to sustain life when they’re functional. Physically speaking, the heart ensures that…
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Pour It Out, Leave It There
If there is one thing the enemy of our souls wants, it’s for us not to find rest or peace. He would laden our minds and souls with so much burdens, worries and anxieties that we would lose our…
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Love and Honour
One of the two commandments Jesus gave to all His followers is to love others just like ourselves, not more and not less. This means what you’d do or not do for yourself because you love yourself…
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