Mercy For the Merciful
*Mercy For the Merciful*
To show mercy is to show compassion or forgiveness towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. And this is what all of humanity received from Yahweh when He decided to send His only begotten son to die for us all.
His mercy, through His compassion and forgiveness towards us, is what has kept you and me. Not one of us deserves it, but we have found favour in His eyes. Even those who don’t know or acknowledge Yahweh still benefit from His mercies.
So, in as much as we have received the non-judgemental mercy of God, should we also not show compassion and forgiveness towards those who have wronged us?
Jesus taught us that blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy. He also taught the parable of the servant who, though has received a pardon of all that he owed, went on to not give the same pardon to his fellow servant. He was judged immediately afterwards.
In every way and whenever you can, show mercy for it will always come back to you. You’re not perfect and you also need the mercy of God.
If you’re about to take an action that does not reflect mercy, do have a rethink. Because judgement will prevail over mercy for the merciless. You also will be judged.

Father, thank You for always teaching us to be more and more like You. Do help us to reflect Your merciful nature in all our dealings.
Give us forgiving hearts and not vengeful desires. Help us allow You to fight our battles as we let all wrongs done against us go in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a most glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*