Create Your World By Your Decrees
*Create Your World By Your Decrees*
Words as we know, are very powerful. By His words, Yahweh created the heavens and the earth including most things in them. By our words, we can create atmospheres and change situations positively or negatively.
Because we have been made in the image of God, every human’s words carry a lot of power, Christian or not. So it doesn’t matter who is speaking, their words have the potential to make changes for good or for evil.
That is why it is imperative that the LORD stops the mouth of anyone speaking evil or lies against His children. It is also imperative that we condemn every tongue lying against us, trying create evil atmosphere in our lives.
You need to start speaking against any words that have been released into the atmosphere that is not aligned with what GOD has spoken into your life. You words carry extra power because you’re not an ordinary human being. You’re a king of the King of kings.
The LORD will gag the mouth of anyone who lies against His kings. But for you who fear Him, your glory will manifest as He gives you a mouth and wisdom that cannot be contested by your enemies.
Use your words now more than ever. Don’t be silenced. Your enemies have been silenced. Take that opportunity and create your world by your decrees. Hallelujah!

Father, thank You for giving us a mouth and a wisdom that no one is able resist or contradict. As we use our mouths with wisdom, we receive the stamp of Heaven on each one of them.
We manifest everything that You have on Your mind for us. We silence every evil speaking mouth and overcome the power of their ungodly words in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a victorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*