Perfect Inheritance


Perfect Inheritance

Posted OnApril 19, 2022 0

When you think about inheritance, you think about a parent or relative who’s left some material wealth or possession for their children or family members, etc.

You could inherit money, houses, lands, businesses, clothes and all sorts of things that you can see or handle. These things can bring you happiness or wealth.

But they can never be called the perfect inheritance because they are temporary. They can perish, diminish in value or be defiled.

Similarly, when we are reborn into the family of God through belief in Christ as our saviour, we also come into an inheritance. We become joint heirs with Christ as children of GOD.

However, what we inherit is permanent and incorruptible. It is eternal and can never be taken away from us. We can call it the perfect inheritance which will last us forever. Not only do we benefit from this inheritance here on earth, but even more so in eternity.

The salvation of Christ gives us not just material inheritance which is temporary and perishable. Forever our inheritance is preserved in heavenly places in Christ.

Don’t believe any lie the enemy may be speaking to you. As long as Jesus Christ is your LORD and saviour, you have life eternal. Not only will you have blessings for that here on earth, but also in eternity. Your inheritance in Him is perfect.


Father, thank You because everything You do, You do it for us, Your children. And forever, Your Word is settled in heaven.

I pray that we will all walk in the manifestation of our perfect inheritance in Christ. None of it shall diminish or be lost to us through doubts or unbelief, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a great day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, April 2022*

Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Alpha and Omega

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