Author: Tosin

Tosin Oyelakin

Tosin is a singer/songwriter who loves to bring the pure, undiluted love of Christ to people through her music and short writings. Her deepest desire is that everyone comes to feel the love of Jesus and that's why this blog was created - for everyone who reads to feel encouraged and truly loved, just as Jesus intended.


Restored Right Before Your Eyes

Posted OnJuly 1, 2022 0
Oh the promises of Yahweh! How they gladden the heart and restore hope to the hopeless! And in this season, His there is no going against those promises that will stop exactly what He has in mind…
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Live Under the Name of Yahweh

Posted OnJune 8, 2022 0
So, when I was growing up back in Nigeria, we lived in a top floor flat and our roof leaked when it rained. Thankfully, it was in the hallway and not in the bedroom otherwise, sleeping through the…
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Time, Growth and Longevity with Trust

Posted OnApril 26, 2022 0
Evergreens are plants which have foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing season. Their leaves tend to thrive through all the seasons all year round, year in year out.…
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Perfect Inheritance

Posted OnApril 19, 2022 0
When you think about inheritance, you think about a parent or relative who’s left some material wealth or possession for their children or family members, etc. You could inherit money, houses,…
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Preach It, In Season,Out of Season

Posted OnApril 14, 2022 0
The foundation of the Christian faith is the fact that Christ was nailed to the cross for our sins (Isaiah 53:5), He died for the same reason (1 Corinthians 15:3), and on the third day, He rose…
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The Originator of Life Cannot Be Killed

Posted OnApril 12, 2022 0
Just like a leopard can never change its spot, so the nature of the devil cannot change. The Bible calls him a thief, a killer, and a destroyer. He will not stop doing these things because that’s…
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Put Away Evil from Your Life

Posted OnApril 7, 2022 0
There are standards of practice or operation for every profession, organisation, religion, etc., that everyone who claims to be a part of them must work to. I am a physiotherapist and I have…
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Challenges Can Be Blessings

Posted OnApril 5, 2022 0
Jesus Christ was introduced to His disciples by God Himself as His beloved son (Luke 9:35). No higher validation can anyone receive than this. This validation and beloved status of Christ did not…
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He is Able and Will Indeed Save

Posted OnApril 1, 2022 0
Whether we like it or not, the LORD has those who are His, who are so dear to Him. For these set of people He will do anything. These are the people who know how to endear themselves to Him. King…
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Committed Holiness Leads to Fruitfulness

Posted OnMarch 28, 2022 0
Everything we do is a seed that will germinate to produce fruit. Everyone wants to harvest good things in their lives, but what we harvest depends on what we have planted. If you plant good and…
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