Cry Out For Help
We have been given a mouth and a will for good reasons. One of those is that we use our mouths to call out for help when we need it. Imagine a child who needs his father’s help, but never asks for…
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Obedience Works By Love
When someone is in a position of authority in your life, it means that they can instruct you on what and what not to do. They can put some stipulations in place for you to live by. These you will…
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Faithful Forever
Let me ask you, do you believe that God is faithful only because the bible and other people say so? Or is it because you have experienced His constant faithfulness in your life? I can tell you this…
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Continue To Live By Grace
So, when Jesus was leaving the earth, He told His disciples that He would send them His Spirit as a comforter. To lead, guide and empower them for their Christian journey here on earth. While He was…
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The Only Acceptable Wisdom
In the world we live in today, wisdom seems to abound. Practically everyone has something wise to say in order to inspire other. And this is not only by believers, but also non-believers. There are…
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Lifelong Learning, It’s Spiritual
In any given profession, there is never a time that you get to know it all. There’s always room for improvement. Especially as we live in a highly dynamic world that means that things are…
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No Ark, No Presence, No Peace
As Psalm 91 says, it is those who dwell in the secret place of The Most High, who will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. The secret place is His presence while the shadow signifies His…
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The Ark, The Presence, The Victory
Still on the ark of the LORD. It represents the presence and the glory of the LORD. It carried items that represented Yeshua Himself and what He does in our lives. Yeshua is our high priest who goes…
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The Ark, The Presence, The Rest
The ark of the covenant was a box built to a specification that Yahweh gave to Moses. And it included these items: a pot of manna, the tables of the mosaic law and Aaron the priest’s rod. They are…
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Wearing Godly Virtues
No one in their right mind would get up in the morning and decide to walk out naked without putting on their clothes. You wouldn’t do that would you? In fact a lot people have their wardrobe…
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