Lifelong Learning, It’s Spiritual
In any given profession, there is never a time that you get to know it all. There’s always room for improvement. Especially as we live in a highly dynamic world that means that things are constantly evolving and change is inevitable.
If you do not keep up with the changes happening in your profession, there’s a good chance that what you know will become obsolete and archaic at some point. Your knowledge will no longer be useful because it is no longer relevant.
It’s then very important that you commit to lifelong learning, at least for as long as you choose to practice that profession. Once you retire from it, you’re free from learning if you choose.
You, however, can never retire from practicing spiritual growth as a child of God. For as long as you live, you have to continue to learn from the Holy Spirit. You have to remain relevant and powerful in the Spirit realm.
Lifelong learning is therefore not only beneficial in the market place as a professional. Learning things of the Spirit is a lifetime commitment to education from which you never graduate.
The prosperity of your soul through continuous growth by the teachings of the Holy Spirit keeps you ahead of the game of your enemy.
This is a game the enemy plays against you for as long as you’re here on Earth, and if Jesus tarries.
Learn to always sit at the foot of the Spirit as He continues to reveal to you the mysteries of the kingdom through the word of God.

Father, thank You for the gift and opportunity to learn of Your Spirit. Thank You for revealing kingdom mysteries to us through Him.
As we commit to learning of Him all the days of our lives, please give us teachable spirits. Help us to always know His voice and be obedient only to His guidance.
Keep us always ahead of the enemy as we learn of You, that we may never be caught through our ignorance in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤️.
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020