All Things In Every Realm
Everything, including those which we can or cannot see, operates from either one of two realms; physical or spiritual. In every realm, there is always a power play going on. Everyone and everything…
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The Evidence of Intimacy
When I was much younger, I used to wonder why some married couples looked alike. I even sometimes wondered whether some of them had actually married their own sibling, funny! They not only looked…
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The Best Time to Seek
There is something about very early mornings. It is tranquil, the world is at peace, just rousing from their rest. You can hear the sound of the birds like a gentle alarm sound, waking you up to…
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Make the Obstacles Obsolete
We are always moving in one way or the other. Even when our bodies are at rest, the earth itself is still moving. You may not feel it, but the motion is there, continuously. Life is like running or…
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Victory Over Persecution
In the current world that we live in, if you stand for something that is different from what is popular, you generate a lot of attention. Most of this is unpleasant. People see you as being…
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The Impenetrable Fortress
So the world is increasingly being bombarded by evil right now. For some of these, there are things we can physically do to shield ourselves and families from them. But many of them are beyond our…
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The Full Package
We have had so much bad news and reports all over the world lately and LORD knows that we can all do with some really good news to cheer and perk us up a bit. Good news can come to you in different…
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The Employees Get Paid
As an employee who has done a good and hard day’s work, and who has been productive, you expect your pay at the end of the day. Not for anything, but because you deserve it. Yes, and you also have…
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No Longer Embargoed
There was a time when we didn’t know the LORD; that the enemy had a right to do with us as he liked. He could lay charges against us that would stand, because of our sins. Our lives and destinies…
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To Accept or to Change
We all have moments when we wish some things were different. These wishes may be fleeting, or they may be long standing wishes. For instance, you may have wished that there was no lock down. For…
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