The Impenetrable Fortress
So the world is increasingly being bombarded by evil right now. For some of these, there are things we can physically do to shield ourselves and families from them. But many of them are beyond our control.
For these, we have to rely on some power greater than us to keep us from partaking in them. There is, therefore, a need to have as it were, a shield that gives us full protection or immunity to these things.
Some people are right now relying on luck to keep them from evil. While some others believe in their own wisdom of how to live in order to avoid evil, diseases and so on. Some believe in their false gods to protect them.
However, I believe in building an impenetrable fortress around yourself and your household. A fortress that has been tested and proven. Never failing in its protective ability.
There’s only one way to access this fortress: through the fear of the LORD. The fear of Yahweh is the strongest fortress that you can build around yourself. It will keep you from death and destruction.
When you fear Him and walk in His will, nothing will be able to successfully attack or cut you down, for they shall be coming against the LORD God of hosts Himself.
Guard your heart from evil. Do all that you do because you love the LORD and cannot be an active participant in the evil that pervades our world! And you will earn for yourself, your family and all that concerns you, full protection of heaven.

Father, thank You for Your divine protection on us and our families, those of us who fear Your name. We will not be disappointed neither will we be ashamed because we call on Your name.
Continue to set us and our families apart and grant us complete immunity from every evil going on in our world now and forever, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020