Month: October 2019


What’s In Your Heart?

Posted OnOctober 18, 2019 0
As Christians, we have been taught that when we ask, we receive. When we seek, we find. And when we knock, the doors will open. And so it is, when we ask in faith. So, sometimes when we have asked…
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Emmanuel (God Is With Us)

Posted OnOctober 17, 2019 0
The call to serve God can be very daunting. Not only does it require a lot of sacrifice, discipline and obedience, it requires living an exemplary life that reflects the true nature of Yahweh. Aside…
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My Words, My Life

Posted OnOctober 16, 2019 2
Words are very powerful. They have a life of their own. Spoken words have the power to create tangible things from nothing. Most of creation was by words that were spoken by the Most High … “let…
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The Good Side of Life

Posted OnOctober 15, 2019 1
Life is all about good and evil, wealth and poverty, honour and shame, greatness and obscurity, blessings and curses. If you don’t get one you will get the other. Of course no one desires the…
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It Will Come To Nothing!

Posted OnOctober 14, 2019 0
As we move closer and closer to the return of our LORD Yeshua, the children of light find themselves battling a whole lot of evil. One of those things is evil wishes. Some people just look at you as…
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You Will Gain More!

Posted OnOctober 11, 2019 0
Taking on the lifestyle of a Christian calls for the highest level of sacrifice and discipline. It calls for dying to everything in order to take on the new life in Christ. To follow Yeshua means to…
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Learn From It And Let It Go

Posted OnOctober 10, 2019 0
In life, there will always be a past, but there’s also a future to look forward to. We were created with eyes that can only see forward for a reason. Your past holds records of mistakes and wins…
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The W.W.W.

Posted OnOctober 9, 2019 0
Life is difficult to journey through on your own without any guide. The LORD knows this and that is why He gave us a companion in His Word. When you make the word of God your Sat Nav guide in life,…
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True Sacrificial Worship

Posted OnOctober 8, 2019 0
There is no other place I’d rather be than in the LORD’s presence, lost in worship and adoration to Him. I believe this is true for most, if not all true believers. I love the atmosphere of…
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Becoming Like Him

Posted OnOctober 7, 2019 0
We live in a world governed by the mentality of doing your own thing, your own way and it doesn’t matter who gets hurt in the process. As long as we achieve our goals, we couldn’t care less how…
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