The Good Side of Life


The Good Side of Life

Posted OnOctober 15, 2019 1

Life is all about good and evil, wealth and poverty, honour and shame, greatness and obscurity, blessings and curses. If you don’t get one you will get the other.

Of course no one desires the negative side of life. We all want to be on the good and vibrant side of things. That’s how it should be too!
When Yahweh created man, He blessed him and commanded him to have all the good stuff in life. This was happening until the evil one came and sowed the evil seed of disobedience that brought about all these negative things we see in our world now.
However, we have a replacement for all these evil and ugly side of life not to be our portion. JESUS. He took it all onto the cross. He became the curse so that we can have the blessing! Again! Restored!
When you believe in Christ, you dissolve every curse from your life, and absorb every blessing of Abraham into your life. Your background no longer matters! You become a member of the family of Christ.
This is the solution. This is how to be on the good and vibrant side of life. But you have to claim it! Put your name on it and walk in it.

My prayer is that you will not be cheated out of that which was already paid for and bought for you. Your life and blessings will be fully restored to you in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a glorious day. Agape ❤

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