What’s In Your Heart?


What’s In Your Heart?

Posted OnOctober 18, 2019 0

As Christians, we have been taught that when we ask, we receive. When we seek, we find. And when we knock, the doors will open. And so it is, when we ask in faith.

So, sometimes when we have asked in faith and we have not received or we have sought and not found or knocked and the doors did not open, we begin to have questions.
We may ask ourselves if the scriptures were true, or if God truly answers prayers of everyone who comes to Him. We think that maybe He actually chooses those whose prayers He answers.
God is not partial, and He answers everyone who comes to Him in faith, having fulfilled all the criteria for your request to be eligible for heaven’s stamp.
There are some reasons why some prayers don’t get answers and one of those is the motive behind the request. That which is in your heart.
Every time you ask and do not receive, check your motive. Maybe, just maybe you need to tweak it. Make your reasons right, and heaven will listen.

I pray that we will learn to always come to God with requests that have no selfish and un-Godly motive behind them. That we may receive our petitions in Yeshua’s name. #Selah

Have beautiful day. Agape ❤

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