Your Pride & Glory


Your Pride & Glory

Posted OnApril 6, 2020 0

When things are not going right or when we are in the middle of a storm, it’s very for us easy to feel forsaken and bereft of divine assistance. Or at least feel like the heavens don’t care that you’re struggling.

This is exactly how Jesus’ disciples felt when they were in the middle of a storm in an boat on the sea. And Jesus was sleeping rather soundly. While they struggled to keep their boat from sinking, the One who called them into His service seemed to have abandoned them to their struggles.

In despair, they woke Him up, crying, “do You not care that we’re are perishing here!” (Mark 4:36-38)

They felt abandoned. They felt left without the divine help that they knew Jesus could provide for them in order to be saved even within that storm which is threatening to drown them.

But the good thing is that they turned to Him in their time of need. And He came through for them in such a way that they began to wonder at His power that was great enough to speak calmness into a storm!

In the same way, if you’re feeling like this, all you need to do is to call upon the name that is above every other name. It doesn’t matter what the situation is. It may be a storm, or it may be that you feel like you are under a siege. Hedged in on every side by enemies of your soul.

You may even have started to feel the shame of having to go through this getting to you!

Be Encouraged:

Being hedged in by enemies does not equate shame. The LORD is your shield who will also ensure you come out with your head held high and you crown intact and shinier.

You have a pride and glory which is of Yahweh. And it doesn’t matter how many battles or storms you face in your lifetime, you will always be covered in glory. Your crown will also remain intact. Just keep you head held high!


Father, thank you because You are a more than enough shield for us. You’re for us and ensure that the glory you have bestowed upon our heads never grows dim, but shines brighter.

Therefore LORD, arise for us! All we need is for You to speak a word of calmness into our storms. As we cry out to You for help, arise for our sakes and retain Your glorious place in all our lives in Yeshua’s mighty name! #Selah.

Have a blessed day and stay safe. Agape ❤

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