Your Keeper Never Slumbers


Your Keeper Never Slumbers

Posted OnDecember 3, 2019 0

The year is coming to an end and the frenzy for the Christmas and end of the year season is starting to hit. This time of the year usually brings about some fears of bad incidents or accidents.

There seems to be a lot going on in the atmosphere. But there is a need for us to remain calm and confident in the hand of God which has been our mainstay up to now.
There is no point in being fearful of any evil when your Father, your Keeper and Shepherd never ever sleeps or slumbers. He never tires.
The LORD’s right hand of righteousness keeps you on your feet when you walk Him. His watchful eyes over you never ever shuts in sleep.
So go about your daily activities in this season and beyond, and sleep very soundly every night without any form of fear. Know without any form of doubt that your Keeper never sleeps!

Father LORD, thank You for your ever watchful eye over us and our households. Thank You for continuing to uphold and watch over us in this season and indeed, forever. We receive grace to be fearless and trusting in Your ever protective arms in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a glorious day. Agape ❤

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