You Will Be Doubly Restored


You Will Be Doubly Restored

Posted OnJuly 14, 2021 0

Restoration is the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition (Oxford Dictionary online).

For restoration to take place, something or someone must have been displaced from their rightful place to start with. An item may have been taken from its rightful owner or maybe a king’s rightful throne may have been taken away from him.

No one who has lost anything gets restored without first knowing who took their belongings, where it’s kept and how to go about getting it back. And many times, restoration only happens with a battle.

Do you feel like your life has been robbed of something that belongs to you? Are you seeking justice for any wrongful displacement of your peace, glory and favour? Do you seek for your family’s blessings and glory which have been promised you to be restored back to you?

Then you need the Master’s divine restorative power to move on your behalf. You may not know the who, where or how, but He knows and he is more than able! There has to be a battle for this to happen and this fight is not yours but Yahweh’s.

When Yahweh restores, He never ever leaves you with the same portion that was taken away. He always gives back in multiple folds so that you’re better off. You will not get a better deal elsewhere, stick with Him!


Father, we thank You because one of your many promises to us is to doubly restore to us anything that the enemy has taken away from our lives. You promised to restore our inheritance of everlasting joy.

Arise oh LORD, for now is the time to fight for us and bring us our double portion for our shame. Cause us to rejoice in our inheritance instead of every disgrace. And doubly restore all that the enemy took from us and our families in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, July 2021*

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