You Matter!


You Matter!

It’s very easy to think that because Father looks over the affairs of the whole of heaven and earth, He must have really important stuff to deal with. Things like weighty matters of war torn countries, terror attacks and threats, threats to the earth we live on, Brexit and how it will affect His children. Daily rising rates of suicide, murders, knife/gun crimes and so on.
Therefore, small matters like the fact that something someone said made me sad, or the fact that I had to miss lunch today because I couldn’t afford it, or that I am not sure I will be able to manage to get that promotion at work that I’ve been eyeing, must really not matter that much to Him.
I mean, this makes sense because in the grand scheme of things and considering everything else, these little stuff must just be very low on Yahweh’s agenda, right? Wrong! There is nothing more wrong than that!
Every little detail of your life has the full focus of heaven. Nothing about you or the things you have on your mind escapes our Father’s loving eye. You matter! More than you can begin to imagine. So, tomorrow when you’re trying to decide what to wear, remember, even that little detail also matter to God.

I pray that we will begin to understand how individually valuable we are and how much God cares about us and those little things that bother us. May we learn to give everything to Him in prayers. #Selah

Have a beautiful day. Agape ❤

  • Awesome…its so amazing to know that all my so called little concerns matters to God.thank you Jesus and thank you Sis. for always sharing

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