Yahweh Is God Over Multitudes!


Yahweh Is God Over Multitudes!

We are in the last days, and we know it because we can see all the signs. One of those is increasing boldness in the kingdom of darkness to manifest their evil.

They make bold to make known their ungodly ways, make open threats and attacks on the children of light. They’re no longer hiding, but they like to boast of their evil powers.
These enemies of the children of God can be found anywhere … at work, in the public places, in our churches, our children’s schools, even sometimes within our families!
The good news for you as a child of God is that they cannot prevail against you! I don’t care how many are coming against you. You may have a multitude of boasting, gloating enemies, it doesn’t matter! You have a God who reigns over multitudes! Relax and enjoy watching Him fight for you.

I pray that every power coming against us as children of Yahweh, wanting to cause shame and dishonour will be completely frustrated. As they come in one way, they flee in several different ways in complete shame and confusion in Yeshua’ mighty name! #Selah

Have a glorious day. Agape ❤.

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