Lasting Wealth.


Lasting Wealth.

We live in a world that measures success through our possessions, bank balances, our net worth, achievements and many other physically measurable things.
You could be called a very successful entrepreneur because you’re worth millions. You could also be called a wealthy person because you drive really expensive cars and have houses in the most sophisticated side of the town and can basically afford anything you want.
Oh, these things are very good to have. It’s great to be able to send lots of money on errands for you. It makes life so much easier. However, we need to be the ones controlling money and not the other way around.
Don’t be so consumed with desires for what you don’t have that you put your hands out to do evil in order to get wealth that is temporary. Concentrate on building your heavenly bank account. The wealthiest people are not those with the biggest earthly bank balances. They are the ones who have made heaven their bank.
Every day you have been given is an opportunity to pay into that account by sowing seeds of practical love into someone’s life who needs it.

I pray that we will stop chasing after temporary comforts while we allow our eternal comfort to rot. May we build more and more on those things that will last through eternity in Jesus’ name. #Selah

Have a great day. Agape ❤

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