Wisdom For Life
Everybody wants to live long and live fruitful. This is rightly so too, and it is what the LORD wants for all His children.
His desire is for us to live long, live healthy and be fruitful. In fact, He charged us with this when He blesses man at creation – be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it.
Some of us make some really wise choices about our health and this is really good. Some, on the other hand, make not so wise choices.
It takes wisdom to make the right choices about your life and health that will prolong your days on earth. Seek to know. Choose to do and you have a chance.
But don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking just about exercise, food, drink, supplements and all the right things we do in a bid to be healthy. These are all very good.
However, we mustn’t forget that we not only have a body to look after, but our spirit and soul as well. A well rounded healthy man makes the right and wise choices for his spirit, soul and body.
How’re you taking care of your total health? Do you make the right choices for your body, exercise it and eat all the right stuff, but then you neglect your spirit and soul?
Or it could even be that you’ve got it down pat with your body and your mind. You’re sound in those two, but neglect the things of the Spirit… wisdom is looking after the total man and not partially.
By this, you can live a long and fruitful life, be blessed and a blessing indeed!

Father, thank You for granting us wisdom every time we ask You for it. You always make provision for all that we need to fulfil all Your promises for our lives.
Do strengthen us in the wisdom that You give that we may apply it to every are of our lives. Also, please help us to live long and very fruitful lives by wisdom in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020
Amen….. thank you ma
You’re welcome!