Stand With God
Looking at the life of King David, he seemed to go from one battle to another. If not with the incumbent king who felt threatened by him, it was with other nations while he was in exile.
After he became king, even his own son rose up against him, trying to take his throne with him still alive. This must’ve been rather difficult for him.
Life could also be like this for us sometimes. We are going from battle to battle. And we’re are surrounded on every side by enemies. This can be distressing.
Let me encourage you today. It may seem hopeless with no way out, but “power pass power”. As they gather in their strength, so great shall their fall be.
Yahweh will fight for you and you will hold you peace. You also are on the winning side if you stand with God. You will overcome them all!

I pray for strength to continue to stay strong in the midst of so much opposition. He that has been with us from the start will continue to be with us and fight for us in Yeshua’s name. #Selah
Have beautiful day. Agape ❤