The Weed Isn’t Wheat


The Weed Isn’t Wheat

Posted OnMay 24, 2021 0

It’s true that God blesses the righteous and rewards them with life, joy, peace and abundance. But it’s also a fact that the unrighteous don’t seem to have it any different. They also prosper, have abundance and are seemingly happy.

There doesn’t seem to be any difference from those who have consecrated themselves to a life of holiness and those who haven’t.

In fact, the children of the world seem to do better than the children of God because they will use means that aren’t necessarily acceptable in the kingdom that will bring them quick results.

This is God’s plan though. For both evil and good to dwell together. For both the weed and the wheat to grow and manifest together.

The weed may take the nutrients meant for the wheat and grow faster than the wheat. The weed may look like the wheat, but it’s not the wheat. It may grow and prosper like and with the wheat, but their fates are completely different.

The day of harvest is coming and this will highlight the difference. The day of reckoning is coming. If you know how to do good, please continue. Let also the evil doers continue if they so choose. But the end will show and tell of every person’s works!


Father, thank You for reassuring us that even though wickedness and evil may seem to prosper and grow, it does not go unnoticed and will be duly judged.

Please help our hearts not to fail when we see their growth. Keep us firm and strong in our faith to continue to walk with You and never compromise our faith in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

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