Absolute Trust and Confidence
Trust is so scarce and expensive in our current world. It’s so much harder to have faith in other people today than it was when our parents were growing up. And rightly so too.
People have experienced so much betrayal, unhealthy competition, slander, lies and let downs from others that they have just learned how not to rely on people.
Unpleasant experiences with friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances, may have taught you to be ever so protective that you will not trust anyone completely with your heart.
This may even be spilling into your relationship with God. You have closed up your heart and you fear being disappointed even by Him. You trust no one now but yourself!
There is, however, no other worthy of our absolute trust and confidence than Christ. Yes, don’t put your faith and trust in man, but without faith in Christ, you cannot please God and neither will you be able to receive anything from Him.
Do not close your heart and certainly don’t put your trust in your own arm of flesh. Faith in Christ involves laying down every belief or trust in one’s self to lean on Him in total surrender of trust, having confidence in His infinite ability to save and deliver.
I know it’s been hard and it feels like even God has stopped caring for you. But trust me, there’s nothing further from the truth. Nothing can take your place in His heart. He loves you with an everlasting love and wants nothing but to bless you.
Father, thank You for Your love and care for us. When everything and everyone fail, You remain our ever dependable Rock.

Please help us to keep holding on to our faith in Christ even though it gets more and more difficult with each passing day and disappointment. Move on our behalf that we may be encouraged in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*