The River of Supplies
When the bible talks about flowing rivers, it usually signifies abundance, fruitfulness , prosperity, cheerfulness etc.
Where the river flows, it causes growth. It gives nutrition to planted seed to cause it to germinate and bring forth bountiful harvest. The river keeps your seed alive.
In famines, the river could dry up if the supply from the source dries up due to lack of rain. Dryness generally affects the river source which may in turn lead to reduced fruitfulness.
However, where the river does not depend on an external source, but takes its supply from a source that can never run dry, then no amount of famine or drought will stop it from flowing.
Therefore, any tree planted beside such a river will never be unfruitful. Such a tree will live in abundance and will even have enough to feed others, animals and birds, of its fruits.
The river that flows from God’s throne to water His people doesn’t depend on earthly economy to sustain it. This depends on the source that can never run dry. The Source of all sources. The Creator of all wealth and blessings.
Anyone planted in the courts of Yahweh is watered by the river of His supplies. And they will never lack, even in famines. When others are saying they are cast down, this person will testify of being lifted!
It may not seem like it right now, but the LORD will bring an abundance into your life even in famine and pestilence. His streams of provision enriches with a bountiful harvest.
Do not fret, but trust in Yahweh. Lay your needs down at His feet and He will guide you to where He has made a provision for you even in this famine.

Father, thank You because You’re not a man that You should lie. Every word that proceeds from Your mouth is true and will forever be true.
As we look to You as our source, please let us be continually watered by Your river of supplies which never ever runs dry. We will not lack, beg or suffer hunger in this or any season of our lives.
We lie down in your green pastures and have our fill of Your abundance, now and forever in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a great day and stay safe under the blood. Agape ❤️ © Tosin Oyelakin