God Confirms Grace


God Confirms Grace

Posted OnMay 18, 2020 0

The grace of God upon Moses’s life was evident from the beginning of his life. He was saved from the death order that killed many other babies at the time he was born.

Not only was he spared, but he then went on to be raised as an adopted grandson of the same pharaoh who ordered his killing to start with.

As a leader, he prospered because God was with him. He walked and worked tirelessly with God to deliver his people from their bondage. He then led them through the wilderness, still working with God to make every provision available for the thousands who were with him.

Moses was blessed to have talked with God face to face and the glory of God was so evident upon him that no one could look at his face directly. He had to use a veil when talking with other people.

But in all this, Moses did not have the grace that we now have received through Jesus Christ. This grace enriches us with the knowledge of the goodness and glory of The Father. It enriches us even in our speaking, to say a thing and it is established.

The out-working of God’s grace is fruitfulness. The evidence of the grace of Christ in you is the fruit that you produce as a child of God. Only God can confirm that His Grace is with you by causing you to display all manners of blessings.

This you do effortlessly as you walk in step with God and for the good of His people. As you allow Him to use you as a vessel of His power to bless everyone around you.


Father, thank You for giving us Jesus who is Grace personified. Thank You for making us partakers of His grace and glory.

I pray that You will help us all to walk in the full manifestation of the fruits of being enriched by grace. Let our speech and knowledge reveal and confirm that Jesus is our testimony in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤️.

© Tosin Oyelakin

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