The Lord Knows


The Lord Knows

Sometimes, people see good hearted people and call them fake. Because we have experienced evil and deception from others, it’s difficult for us to believe that there still exists utter goodness in the hearts of some.

So when these people display their goodness and love, we begin to question how genuine they are or suspect their motives.
In the same way, we sometimes see people with evil in their hearts and we call them good people. These have perfected the art of deception.
They know how to fool people with their ‘good’ works while deep down their hearts lies bad intentions or thoughts towards others.
It however doesn’t matter what people think of you or say you are. The creator of your heart, who knows what lies therein, knows more than anyone who you truly are.
Whatever you have in your heart, good or evil, the LORD knows. You can’t hide from God and He will soon let men know who you truly are!
Be encouraged if you have been misunderstood. Keep doing good with a clear conscience. It will never go unrewarded!

Father, please restore every good reputation that has been misinterpreted as evil. Fight for them and reveal Your glory through them in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a great day. Agape ❤

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