Our Reason & His Reason


Our Reason & His Reason

Christmas is all about celebrating the day He came just to save you.

Christmas is all about celebrating the Love that came down that day in a manger just for you.
Without Jesus, there’ll be no Christmas. Without you, Jesus wouldn’t have had to come.
Yes, Jesus is our reason for the season. And you are His reason for the season.
You want to know the real reason for this season? Look in the mirror … you’re the reason why Love came down to earth! You’re precious.
I celebrate Jesus, I celebrate you and I celebrate His love for you…
For God so love the world (you and I) that He gave His only begotten Son (on Christmas Day) …

Father thank You for giving us Your Son, Yeshua because of Your love for us. Help us to realise our worth in Your eyes that we may never sell ourselves short to anything less worthy.

We celebrate Your Love for us, LORD. Thank You! #Selah

Have a wonderful day. Agape ❤

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