The Destiny of the Wise


The Destiny of the Wise

Posted OnApril 28, 2020 0

The wise person will always shine. But who is a wise person? It’s the one who fears the LORD, for the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.

If you fear the LORD enough to fashion your life around His will, counsel and purpose, nothing can oppose the glorious destiny that awaits you in Him.

This doesn’t mean that you will not face opposition or trials and challenges. No, but it just means that you’re well equipped to overcome any of these that come your way. This was the case of the three Hebrew boys in Babylon, the land of bondage. They shined, because they maintained their fear of the LORD.

Anything can be going on around the wise who fears the LORD, but it will never affect the overall outcome of their lives. They will always shine.

This is because light naturally shines. He who lives in the fear of the LORD has light in him and will always shine.

Their acts of love and kindness to others will cause them to shine even in the midst of darkness of persecution, famine and pestilence. They’re like Yahweh and will always prevail.

Let wisdom define your destiny. Choose the fear of the LORD in ALL things, leave no area of your life out. Make Him your all in all and you will always be blessed.


Father, thank You for the opportunity to be like You in all wisdom and blessings, teaching us to fear You in all our ways.

May our hearts always seek this wisdom, Lord. And may our lives never be devoid of light and everlasting blessings as we walk in Your divine plan for us in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood. Agape ❤️

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