Ascended With Christ
Oh the joy of knowing what glorious destiny and position we have in Christ. Even more blessed is to know and use that position well!
The bible says we, who believe in Christ have been crucified with Him. We have also been resurrected just as He was.
The mystery doesn’t stop there because Jesus did not stop at dying and resurrecting. He also ascended to the heavens where He now seats at the right hand of the Father, far above ALL principalities and powers.
Way high above all the rulers of the darkness of any age that has been or will be. Far far above spiritual wickedness in high places! Their posing in relation to Him is beneath His feet!
If our LORD is in that high position after His death, resurrection and ascension, then we also are most definitely in that same position following our death, resurrection and ascension in Him.
If we have truly been resurrected with Jesus, just as He ascended to His throne of all power, honour and authority, so have we ascended to the same position with Him.
We are seated in the position of the highest authority possible both physically and spiritually. We are not ordinary. When we decree, it stands. We bind and it is bound. We loose, and guess what! It is loosed!!
And we command doors to open and they do. We shut a door and it will not dare to remain open. This is because as He is, so are we. And greater is He that lives in us than he that lives in the world.
Hey, stop the oppression in your life and start to use your mouth to possess your possessions. You’re like your saviour and brother, Yeshua. If He can do it, so can you. You both have the same DNA. Hallelujah!

Father, thank You for the unquantifiable power and authority which You bestowed upon us through our LORD, Yeshua.
Nothing can surpass that in our lives, neither can anyone rob us of it. We arise in Your name and we take hold of Your word.
We declare and decree, bind and lose, open and close, establish and uproot, all in the most mighty and powerful name of Yeshua our LORD. And so shall it be! #Selah.
Have a victorious day and stay safe under the blood. Agape ❤️