Stable and Focused Stewardship


Stable and Focused Stewardship

Posted OnJune 7, 2021 0

A steward is someone who has been given the responsibility of looking after someone else’s property or interest.

From a biblical perspective, stewards are those who have the responsibility of utilising and managing every God-given resource to glorify Him and bless humanity.

In the beginning, God made man steward over the earth and all it’s resources. Every man on earth has the responsibility to replenish the earth, subdue it and use its resources in ways that glorify God and bless humanity.

Jesus also gave us the mandate to go into all the earth and restore salvation and spiritual order in the earth that desperately needs these.

Simply put, each and everyone of us has responsibility of stewardship here on earth one way or another. We are therefore required to demonstrate stable and focused stewardship.

A good steward must stay fully focussed on the task assigned to them without allowing unnecessary side talks and distractions take them away from the path they are meant to walk.

We need to return and focus on the work where we have been distracted. This is a tactic of the enemy to ensure we do not fulfil the great commission and we must not allow it to stand. Let’s repent and refocus.


Father, thank You for giving stewardship over the earth and to ensure that all men know your salvation. Thank You for counting us worthy.

Please forgive us where we have allowed distractions, and help us to refocus on our assignments. Help us to run with the great commission and to fulfil it in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a great day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021* ⁣

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