Get Jesus In Your Boat


Get Jesus In Your Boat

Posted OnJune 4, 2021 0

Storms have ways in which they can affect any boat’s journey. They can take you off course or make your journey slower and more difficult to navigate.  The storm can even cause the boat to capsize or sink when severe.

A stormy weather is something a seasoned sailor cannot avoid or stop from happening every now and again. But they have to learn ways in which they can navigate through the storm and come out alive.

Similarly, in life, stormy times are generally unavoidable. We will all have storms to navigate one way or another. Even when we are living a purposeful life, this doesn’t exempt us from being put under the strains of navigating adverse weather.

This can impede our progress or take us off course in purpose. In severe cases, if care is not taken, life can capsize or sink in the storm. May this not be our portion!

There’s one way to be sure that whatever storms we face, we will come out alive and still fulfil our purpose at the right time. And so that we will not go off course. Get Jesus in your boat!

Whatever comes against you to cause your headway to be painfully impeded in life will respond to Jesus’ presence. All you need is for Him to get into your boat!

He can see you straining and doing your best to fulfill His assignment for your life and He will not leave you in that state. He will come and save you. Don’t be weary and don’t give up!


Father, thank You for You’re the One who sends us on assignment and You also finish it Yourself. You will not send us where we will be overcome by the storms and issues of life.

Please send us timely help in the storms so that we do not sink, go off course or continue to strain against the winds of life in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021* ⁣

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