Something Money Cannot Buy


Something Money Cannot Buy

Most physical/tangible things on this earth have monetary value. Think about it … houses, lands, animals, precious stones, cars, food, etc. We pay for the value of these things with money or anything you spend. No matter how expensive these things are, they’re still paid for with human currencies. Now, one may rank lower than the other on the scale of value. One may sit at the lowest end of the scale, while another sits on the highest end. You still end up paying money for them no matter where they sit.
There is however one physical entity that even God cannot pay money for because it’s value is not found even on the highest end of that scale. No amount of money on this earth can pay the price of this being. It’s got to be paid for with blood! Not just any blood, but blood that was not created by a male and female human or animal coming together to procreate it. This blood has to be divine and entirely devoid of any form of blemish. This blood has to have enough power in it that it can wash away the worst guilt of the gravest sin you can think of. Also, this blood has to have the ability to continue to flow as long as the earth remains … it mustn’t dry up. And this blood needs to have enough compassion to love equally every single one of the billions of this entity that exists on earth at any one given time. There is no other blood that fits this qualification but His, so Yahweh gave His own blood to pay for this most precious thing that He created, through His Son, Yeshua.
This precious being is you! No other existing thing qualifies. Nothing else on this earth compares to you in value. You don’t come cheap. You’re the most precious thing in the universe. So why would you sell yourself cheap to sin and immorality? Doing this is way beneath you! Don’t throw the invaluable pearl that you are to pigs. Keep your highly dignified status in Christ and keep yourself pure!

I pray that the full understanding of your value to God will rest upon you and the grace to walk in the consciousness of who you are will be given to you by the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. #Selah

Have a glorious day. Agape ❤

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