My Generations Will Serve The Lord


My Generations Will Serve The Lord

It’s back to school season and children are returning for another year in their various schools. Do you teach your children to live their lives according to the word of God and by the leading of the Holy Spirit? Or do you leave it to the world and our faulty school curriculums to train your kids about life?

God is not only interested in you as a person. He’s interested in your generations after you until Jesus comes. So it’s important that we prepare our children to serve the Lord in their generation.
Teach them to know and love the Lord.
Teach them to trust Him from day to day.
Teach them to reject the world and it’s system.
Teach them to say a firm no to bad influence and stand by it.
Teach the to turn away from violence and crimes.
Teach the to know and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Teach them, teach them, teach them!!! There’s no shame in making sure that our children serve the God of their parents, so let’s do it!

I pray that our efforts in passing on our faith in Christ to our kids will not be in vain. They shall indeed be taught by Yahweh Himself through His Holy Spirit, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a marvellous day. Agape ❤

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