Share The Light
Before electricity was discovered, people did not live in utter darkness. They had candles, oil lamps, gas lights, fires etc. They had to have a way of dispelling darkness.
This natural desire to not be in darkness reflects the spiritual desire in each and every one of us. However, while we have got it right in the physical realm through the discovery of electricity, many of us have not got it right spiritually.
Many people are living in utter spiritual darkness with no clue about their state. They unconsciously seek The Light, but instead, have found themselves going deeper and deeper into darkness.
The purpose of light is to dispel darkness so that your pathway is made clear to you. Choose to walk with light; you won’t have to navigate life in darkness. Christ is the Light that we all need in order to completely dispel every form of darkness.
Everyone who’s found the Light must relentlessly share this knowledge with those still sitting in the dark. We owe humanity this knowledge. We mustn’t hoard it or be indifferent. Most importantly, we must be compassionate to bring them out into The Light. So share The Light!

Father, thank You for the gift of Christ, who is The Light that the whole world needs. You did not create us for darkness. We were made to live in The Light.
For those still sitting in spiritual darkness, please help the light of the gospel reach into their hearts as we share it with them. Give us the right words to say that will shatter every yoke of darkness, and prepare their hearts to receive The Light in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin, February 2022*
Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Amazing Grace Giantkiller Remix