Righteousness Has Good Reward
When I was in secondary school, collective punishment was the order of the day. I remember that a whole class would get punished for one thing or the other that a set of pupils in that class had done wrong, for instance being noisy.
It doesn’t matter if you were part of the noisy group or not. Or even if you were the one trying to get them to behave. Once a teacher catches the class in that state, you were all in for it!
Either they couldn’t be bothered to find the culprits or they just could not isolate them from those who weren’t part of the problem.
In Lot’s case however, this was not so. His was the only righteous family in the whole of Sodom and Gomorrah. Just imagine how many families were in those cities. But God was able to isolate Lot’s family from all the other offenders. God is too righteous to allow the just suffer for the sin of the unjust!
In the same way, Yahweh will not allow you to be punished alongside anyone who chooses to live in in righteousness. There is nothing like collective punishment in Yahweh’s kingdom.
Therefore, the righteous will not perish with the wicked. Everyone shall answer for their actions. God will single you out for blessings and favour. When others are saying there’s a casting down, you will be saying that you’re being lifted.
Righteousness and holiness have good reward! Stand firm in these.

Father, thank You for the gift of Your righteousness through our LORD Jesus Christ. Thank you because we are not counted amongst the wicked, all because of Your saving Grace.
As we continue to live for Your righteousness, please let us receive all the blessings that come with it. And when You do visit the wicked with their own reward, we will never be partakers of such, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin, March 2022*
Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Great and Mighty God