Antidote to Fear


Antidote to Fear

Posted OnMarch 9, 2022 0

In the world today, Satan is using so many happenings to create fear in the hearts of people. What’s more, we have access to real time news of all the negative things that are happening all over the world, thanks to the internet and social media!

There is a current high threat of Third World War breaking out from the Russian-Ukrainian war. There’s the pandemic of COVID which the world leaders are now coming to accept has come to stay.

I could go on and on, I’m not about to be glorifying the works of the enemy, but to show you what to do with the fear that our situation is bound to create.

The antidote to fear is complete and utter trust in God. What do you trust in Him though? You trust in His promises which are yes and amen (it is done!). His promises are contained in His words with which you should soak your mind daily.

Faith is built when your mind is continually exposed to His promises thereby helping you to come to a place where you experience their manifestation daily in your lives.

The more you experience Him, the more you trust in Him to keep you safe, and the less you fear any negativity that is happening all around you. Then you will be free to release your heartfelt praise which will bring back full circle to the place of trust in God!

When fear comes knocking on the door of your mind again, for it definitely will, the best way to deal with it is to let God’s praises return you to the place of trust in Him and His word for you.

Yes, our situation is bad and could most definitely get worse. But even more certain is that the worse it gets, the stronger His promises of protection for His own become. Soak your mind with His promises!



Father, thank You for always establishing us in the place where we can trust in You completely, by manifesting your promises in our lives.

Help our hearts to learn this antidote to fear so that we may live free of its bondage all the days of our lives, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a marvellous day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, March 2022*

Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Holy Spirit

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