Repent and Utter Worthy Words
Diamonds in the rough, while they have great potentials, will remain unused for their full purpose until they have been refined and polished.
Every single human on earth is a diamond in the rough as far as heaven is concerned. We all carry such great potentials because we were made in the image and likeness of GOD.
But until we are refined and polished, heaven cannot use us to our full potentials. Just like a nation will not send forth an ambassador that has not been well taught or refined in their speech, otherwise the ambassador could get that nation in trouble if they say all the wrong things or act in untoward ways.
In the same way, heaven will not use anyone who is unrefined in their hearts by the word, or in their speech. The state of your heart and the quality of your words will make you relevant to Yahweh’s plan and purpose in these end times.
Renew your mind daily by the word. A renewed mind will speak worthy words for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Do this and make yourself relevant and set apart. Where others are seeing pestilence and destruction, you will be busy fulfilling your divine purpose!

Father, thank You for You call us out of darkness into Your glorious light. You also give us the opportunity to be refined and polished to perfection by Your Word.
Do help us to take this opportunity and look well after the state of our hearts and the quality of the words that we speak, so that we may remain ever relevant and useful for your divine purpose in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin, August 2021*