Maturity, Not Age


Maturity, Not Age

Posted OnAugust 23, 2021 0

I have heard of and spoken with many young converts who turned away from church and went back to their old ways due to the how badly they were treated and tolerated by older and supposedly more spiritually matured Christians. I have been there as well, but thank God for His mercy that kept me from falling away.

What we fail to understand, however, is that it’s not how long you’ve been saved that dictates your spiritual maturity. It’s how long you’ve allowed yourself to grow by eating a well balanced diet of The Word of God.

The call to walk with Christ calls for continuous growth. But spiritual growth doesn’t just automatically come to you. It is by graduating from the milk to the meat of the word, by digesting it in your spirit man and growing from it.

As we grow and mature in faith and knowledge of the way of Yahweh, we bear much fruit. Spiritual maturity is one of the fruits that we display through patience for the display of immaturity in others.

Understand that not everyone will have grown to your level of maturity just as you also have people ahead of you who are more spiritually mature, and show them patience, allowing them to grow as well.


Father thank You for calling us to growth in You and providing us with the spiritual food we require for this.

As we grow, may our patience for one another in the household of faith in Christ also grow so that we do not truncate the building work of the Holy Spirit in others in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a beautiful and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, August 2021

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