Reach Out and Find Him
There is only one person who is Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (present everywhere at all times) and Omniscient (all knowing). That is Yahweh, the creator and author of all things.
There is absolutely nothing hidden from His sight and nothing that He cannot do. He is not limited in power or strength. Everyone and everything is under His rule.
Yes, He made us in His image and after His likeness, but with limitations. All men are limited in what we can do of our own selves, but limitless when we rely on the limitless God to carry us.
We all will encounter problems that we cannot solve on our own at one point or another during our lifetimes. Financial problems, marital issues, health challenges, and the list goes on and on.
However, who do we rely on during those times? Our bank manager to approve that loan? Our spouses to make the changes we desire to see? Or the doctor who himself needs divine healing?
Yes we can seek help from those who have the knowledge, but it will always come to a point where you will need divine intervention. So why wait to get to that point? Why not seek Him out from the start?
Reach out to God for help more than you reach out to men. He is nearer to you than any man and only He can move the heart of the men you need to reach out to you. Only He can place in their hearts the solution you seek! Seek Him out first, don’t leave Him till the last and dire minute.

Father, thank You that You’re a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Oh what a privilege to have a Father who sees, knows and can do all things!
Do help us know to seek for Your help, in any situation, early even before we talk to any man about it. Give us this wisdom that we may see You work everything out for us even before the intervention of men, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin, July 2021*
Music: Tosin Oyelakin – My Solid Rock