Praise Always


Praise Always

Posted OnJanuary 8, 2020 0

The praises we give to God is not because God is insecure and needs us to praise Him in order to reaffirm Him as who He is. The thought of that possibility is laughable.

No, far from it! Praise, however, is because we need to reaffirm His position in our our lives to ourselves and to our situations. We need to enthrone Him as our Lord at all times, and our praise builds the throne He will inhabit.

Praising God is our primary purpose, for we were created to proclaim His glory and power in all the earth. We were saved from darkness and brought into light order to show forth Yahweh’s praise.

Your praise can and will change the spiritual climate over your life and situation. You can make things happen in your life through praise!

When you praise, you attract the presence of God because you’re making Him welcome in your life. You fill your life with His glorious presence.

Praise empowers you to do greater works than you can do in your own power. You receive His strength to do exceeding abundantly above all you can begin to ask or imagine.

I could go on and on about how your praises to God work for your good! Forever and a day will never be enough to praise Him. Choose to praise Yeshua wherever and whatever. He is LORD! In your life and even in that impossible situation.

I pray that our hearts will be enlarged as we choose to praise Him with our songs, words, our deeds and in our thoughts in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤

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