Peaceful Relationships


Peaceful Relationships

Posted OnJune 29, 2020 0

When God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, He created a companion for him. God created relationships. Be it marital, family, friendships, business, etc, God made us to have them all. And it’s because He knows we should not journey on our own.

We all need to relate with one another. But sometimes, our relationships with others can bring situations that try to take away the peace that Jesus gave to us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

An age old tactic of the enemy to destroy the will of God in our lives is to take away our peace through strife, misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, hatred etc.

Once we allow these in our lives through our relationships, we are giving the enemy a foothold. However, we have been given the power to prevail over all the power of the evil one. We have the power to establish the peace of Yahweh even in our relationships.

This power comes through the wisdom which comes from GOD alone. This is wisdom: seek to live in peace with others. Pursuing peace with everyone around you also brings peace into your own life.

Some relationships, we cannot avoid. Work relationships, family, neighbours etc. Some, we can avoid. For those we cannot avoid, we learn to live at peace with them at all cost.

If divine wisdom is required to establish peace in any relationship, God is always willing to give to whoever asks Him. God knows each and everyone and knows how we can live or relate with them peacefully. He will teach us what to do.

Don’t allow the enemy steal your peace and God’s blessings in your life through strife. Be prepared to take your righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit by enforcing it through godly wisdom.


Father, thank You for putting us in communities that will help us not to live lonely lives on our own. Thank You for giving is relationships that we may work together to achieve things together.

We need one another, so help us to see the importance of living together in peace. Grant to us Your divine wisdom to use in building relationships that bring us peace and not strife.

Help us to do all we can to ensure that Your peace and joy permeate all our lives and hearts. And where our human strength fails, let the strength of the Holy Spirit take over in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a productive day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤️.
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020

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