Peace Bearers


Peace Bearers

Posted OnJanuary 3, 2020 0

One of the tenets of The Kingdom of heaven is peace. It is a hallmark of Christianity. We love peace and take it with us everywhere we go.

The reconciliation work that Jesus came to do is to restore peace between God and man, restoring their relationship of love. Also to bring peace to man himself.

With the deposit of His peace within us, it flows to everything and everyone around us. We should live at peace with all, bring peace to all, and have peace in all situations.

Where there is no peace, you need to be seeking the face of God for its restoration. Jesus restored peace from the storm so that His disciples would be at peace.

The scriptures are full of words and promises that reassure and bring peace to the heart if it’s readers. You can always return to them whenever you need some reassurance.

We cannot afford to lose our peace in any situation. We need to keep it. Peace is the hallmark of God and His children. Let the peace of God in and around you announce you.

Yeshua, thank You because you gave us Your eternal peace to always live with us. Not like the world who would withdraw their peace whenever they feel like it. But You have given it to us permanently.

Help us to be true ambassadors of Your peace. Help us to make peace, live in peace and leave Your peace wherever we go. Let Your peace never depart from us in any situation we may face, in Your most holy name. #Selah

Have a great day. Agape ❤

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