Blessings of Faith


Blessings of Faith

Posted OnJanuary 6, 2020 0

There is nothing that we have received from God that is based on our righteousness or on that fact that we work for and obey Him.

Just like Abraham, God’s promises to us were given long before we even knew Him. He, from the time of laying the foundations of the earth, had purposed to bless us.

We don’t earn it, it was freely given by grace. Our obedience to God is for our own good, it doesn’t change God or bring His promises into our lives. We already have them.

Our obedience ensures that we enjoy our “promised land” perpetually, that is, throughout our lifetime.

However, it isn’t your strict obedience to God’s laws that earns you the rights Gods promises. Your faith-based relationship with God makes you a child of God. And as a child if God, you’re entitled to His promises.

Grow in faith! Grow in love towards God. And grow in His presence. Also have a relationship with your Father. Let his presence become your safe haven. Let the very air you breathe be full of Him.

This is when you will truly walk in the fullness of the manifestation of Yahweh’s promised inheritance for your life.

Father, please give us wisdom that we may seek to know and love You more than anything. Not just because of what we will gain, but because we desire and love You above all else.

Fill our hearts with love for You and help our faith in you continually grow until we are fully established in Your perfect will in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a glorious day. Agape ❤

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