Perfect Love Trumps Perfect Hatred


Perfect Love Trumps Perfect Hatred

When you say something is perfect, it means that it is as good as it possibly can be. Nothing can be done to improve it. Its purpose is being fully realised and is free from any faults or defect.

Christ’s love for us is perfect. He is the full expression of Father’s love. The embodiment of everything that Yahweh wants for us. With His love comes the fulfilment of every promise spoken to us from before the beginning of time.

One of such promises is total deliverance from the works of the enemy of our souls, Satan. His hatred for us is perfect as well and his wicked and ruthless nature manifest in the difficulties he brings into our lives.

This evil one will do anything to keep us in spiritual and physical bondage. However, Father will also do anything to keep us free from any form of bondage, hence why we were promised a saviour who is Christ the LORD.

The salvation Yeshua brought is the full manifestation of the promises to deliver from he who is stronger than us. The enemy’s hatred towards is as perfect as Christ’s love for us. But Love always wins!

The love of Christ will deliver us from any power that negates His will or purpose for our lives. Be aware that you are not alone and you do not fight battles of life on your own. You have the love of Christ on your side and so you’re on the winning side!


Father, thank You for fulfilling Your promises to us. You always make a way for us. Your your perfect love always trumps the enemy’s perfect hatred for us.

Please LORD, as we rely on this truth, deliver us completely from the wicked one and his relentless ruthlessness against us. We stand on our victory and walk in it even when the enemy will not accept his defeat. We are more than conquerors in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, September 2021*

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