Magnify Yahweh’s Voice


Magnify Yahweh’s Voice

There have been times in my life that I wished I could run away somewhere, just to a serene, quiet and lonely place to hide from my troubles.

The first time I felt that so strongly, I was pregnant with our first baby and due to complications, I had to be on admission for a while before I had the baby prematurely. She eventually died after a few weeks of her birth.

Before she passed though, I thought to myself, ‘oh that I had wings like a dove, I would just take my young family and I, and fly away from it all and be at peace with God alone as our companion.’

I was so overwhelmed by everything going on. The voice of the enemy was so loud and magnified by the issues I had. I could not hear the voice of God above that din because I allowed my problems to take over.

Have you ever been in this position? When the voice of your opposition is allowed to drown out the LORD’s, all you’d want to do is flee from your enemies.

But magnify the Word of GOD and see your opposition flee from you instead. Don’t give room for the troubles of life to bring up within you the desire to flee. Yahweh is always speaking peace, mercy, victory and honour over you.


Father, thank You for being the anchor for our souls in stormy times. Thank You because You will never leave us comfortless. Your words always bring us comfort.

Please help our hearts to only hear Your voice and no other’s. Give us peace and rest as we walk through all of life’s problems, with Your voice magnified and guiding us in Yeshua’s mighty name #Selah.

Have a marvellous day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020

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