LORD of Justice


LORD of Justice

Thieves and scammers have nothing good they bring to people. By the time they’re done, they leave tears, sorrow, loss and regrets in their wake. No joy or peace is found where a robber has operated successfully. There is a thief prowling the earth who specialises in robberies. He robs people of their lives, their destinies and glory. He takes away their peace, wealth, joy, health and most of all, their salvation.

And he does this using different means … lies/deception, threats, ignorance, fear, faithlessness, etc. He also has some willing or even unknowing human agents to achieve his evil purpose in people’s lives.

However, this devotional is not to glorify the works of darkness by causing fear, but to glorify the One who fights for justice for those who have been robbed. He restores their belongings to them and makes the thief pay seven fold of all that he has taken.

Every lie will be brought to light. Every evil and wrongdoing will be made right by Him. He is the LORD of all the earth and He’s faithful.

The faithfulness of Yahweh will never allow any robbery or wrongdoing in your life go without justice being served. Wait, He will reward you. Keep the faith and allow Him to fight for you.

Father, we trust in You and no one else. We know that You will not allow any injustice or robbery in our lives go unpunished. We look to You for justice, Yahweh! Thank You for the manifestation of our victory over the enemy of our souls in Yeshua’s name. #Selah.

Have a victorious day and stay safe under the blood ?Agape ❤

  • Gloryyy! I know its not by chance I came upon this. Yes God! The Lord of Justice is at work in our lives and hearts. Yes Lord! It is so! Amen! We believe and raise our hands up to you in glory and honor for your name! Amen!!!

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