Keep Clear


Keep Clear

Posted OnDecember 5, 2019 0

There is a heart that we should have as children of God. That is a clean and clear conscience towards everyone and also toward God. Everything we do has to align with His words and commands for us.

Ask yourself this question, does this show love towards God? Or does this demonstrate love for my neighbour? Is this what Jesus would do? If your answer is yes, based on the word of God, you have fulfilled the heart of Father.
Granted, there are people that you cannot please regardless of what you do for them, but by this you will at least have a clear conscience.
A clear conscience and honour should the one of the highest aspirations of any Christian. They keep us on the straight and narrow path to life. They also keep us in Yahweh’s favour. There is nothing you need more than this.
You cannot let the world change who you are, but you can change the world by being who you are!

Father, we ask that you strengthen us to continue to live with a clear conscience. Help us to desire to deal honourably in all our ways with You and with others, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a beautiful day. Agape ❤

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