Help From The LORD


Help From The LORD

Posted OnMarch 1, 2021 0

One day many years ago, when I first relocated to the U.K., I was in the underground and it was during the peak period, it was very busy. A few feet ahead of me, someone tripped on the steps and fell.

To my surprise, no one stopped to check if they were alright, or to help them up. Not one person! They all just bypassed this person.

You see, where I came from, people would immediately gather round and try to help or at least check that they were not in need to emergency medical assistance. So seeing this was a shock to me, lol. 

Many times in life, we expect people around us to see our distress in one way or another and help us out. We may even ask for assistance that we feel they are well placed to give. And many times we may come up disappointed.

It may be because they genuinely can’t help, which is alright. But it may also be because they don’t want to help even though they can. Maybe to spite you for whatever reason. In these situations, it is imperative that we take our lives in our own hands, and find help where it is truly available. 

GOD, on the other hand will always rise to help us when we need Him to. He will never leave us to go to battle on our own. He will never withhold any good thing from all who trust in Him.


This month of March, the LORD Himself will arise on your behalf to give you victory in all your ways. Those to whom you called, but wouldn’t help you in your time of need will be ashamed when the LORD Himself rises on your behalf.

The LORD will hand successes, greatness, new territories, health, wealth and increase on every side to you on a platter of gold. Any uprising to fight you in the place of your victory will be quenched and silenced now and forever in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a most wonderful month of March and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*

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