Grow & Thrive!
Failure to thrive is a medical term used for children whose weight gain is insufficient or are experiencing inappropriate weight loss.
So, there is an expected level of growth for every child at different ages and stages of their growth. If any child significantly deviates negatively from that expectation, they’re seen as not thriving.
To thrive means to grow vigorously, to prosper, bloom, blossom. It means to make advancements, develop well, succeed and make strides.
Children with failure to thrive are at an increased risk for long-term growth, cognitive, and behavioural complications. Failure to thrive may also result in children not achieving their growth potential.
In the same way, when we become children of God, we are expected to thrive, to grow and blossom. We grow through the knowledge of God and gain His knowledge through knowing His word.
This is not just head knowledge, but also revelatory knowledge. The more we desire and seek after Him through His word, the more He reveals to us by His Spirit. Also, the more we grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ.
The more you grow, the more fruitful you become in the things of the Spirit. Growth into the complete knowledge of God makes you productive of every kind of good fruit.
Without growth, on the other hand, there’s no fruitfulness. You become vegetative spiritually. And the term failure to thrive becomes applicable to you. Your potential in Christ becomes grossly limited and you just get by!
Grow, desire the sincere milk of the word and grow! Grow in the meaty and weightier things of the Spirit! Whatever you do, keep growing and you will achieve your full potential.

Father, strengthen us to thrive in You by Your Word. Help us to know You more and more in order for us to grow into our full potential in You.
Teach us to walk in the Spirit that we may continue to produce all manner of good fruit in Your vineyard in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a blessed day. Agape ❤