Grace To Stand


Grace To Stand

Jesus Christ, teaching His disciples to pray, said to pray to our Father in heaven not to lead us into temptation and to deliver us from evil. If we were strong enough, or we could build ourselves up enough not to need God’s help to stand, He wouldn’t have said that.

He would just have taken time to teach them how not to fall into temptation by themselves, and how to overcome evil in their own power!
There is no way we can successfully walk this Christian walk without God helping us. He is the One that is able to keep us from falling. The only One who can continue to save and deliver us from the evil of this age.
The best way to keep yourself from the path of destruction is to rely wholly on the LORD. You’re not strong enough on your own, you need His Grace. You need His Mercy.
Pray fervently, daily that you may receive strength in your inner man to stay standing.

May Yahweh give us understanding and wisdom to seek and rely on Him more than ever before in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a wonderful day. Agape ❤

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